iPhone notes

The diagnostic phone number : 3001#12345# . It is useless to add it to a “tel” link as the number is stripped of the * and # .

It is also useless to add it to a contact for the purpose of dialing it. it somehow doesn’t work.

iPhone 1G vs IPhone 3G main differences :

  • GPS : nice, but sucks battery like its going out of fashion.
  • 3G : well, I haven’t had the occasion of using it much yet.
  • Better reception : quite improved. The wifi scanner picks up many more access points, and the “edge” connection is kept further away from the nearest base station.
  • new shape + new shell material : does holds much better in the hand.
  • Different screen temperature.
  • Sound of the speaker (bottom of the device) is different, less clear but stronger, almost like there is some kind of echo.

Status of the nnmc software

As most of the functionnality that were in the table previously have been removed, I also removed the related todo items. Last update on friday 2010/05/14

Created on sunday 2008/09/21
Updated on wednesday 2008/09/24 (added “when” column)

Status|Task| when |
——-|:—–|:—:| | - in the project area : in a given language, when there is only one project, show it directly, not its blub.|| | - generate an RSS feed for the blog|| | - make the latest blog post visible on the home page|| | - add link to go back in time for the blog page.|| | - add a search functionality.|| | - validate/simplify the CSS for all contents.|| Done | || [done] | - Remove all the editing functionnality |2010/05/14| [done] | - Move to git |2010/05/13| [done] | - Update to the latest php markdown extra |2010/05/13| [fixed] | - blog’s previous and next post do not link to the previous or next posts|2008/10/17| [fixed] | - it is now possible to relatively link from the blog to the project and notes area |2008/10/28| [fixed] | - implement a simple listing for the blog posts |2008/10/25|
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